The selection of aggregates is an important process to ensure you get the right mix, properties and proportions needed for the project at hand. We provide both fine and coarse aggregates that ensure the highest quality in terms of:
Particle shape and surface texture
Abrasion and skid resistance
Absorption and surface moisture.
We also provide full-service support to your project including processed or raw materials, transport from quarry to doorstep and certified operators with equipment to spread and compact.
Raw materials extracted from our quarry nestled in the heart of the Northern Range include:
Stone Dust 3/16 minus
Aggregate (3/8, 3/4)
Aggregate 1” – 2.5”
Boulders/ Rip Wrap
Armoured Rock
Crush and Run Limestone
Quarry Spoil/ Scalping (best for landfill)
Our aggregates have exceeded the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute’s (CARIRI) standard test methods for laboratory compaction characteristics using modified effort and for California bearing ratio (CBR) of laboratory compacted soils. It has demonstrated maximum dry density and optimum moisture content.